So if you happen to be reading this we would love to talk further and expand upon some ideas we have If not totally understand. But then we had the idea to come work for monopoly! We really think we could do some good and make the game appeal to a lot more people our age (18-25). Which got the convo going as to some ideas we have to improve the game.
What I found most interesting was we tested the bots strategy along the way and he intentionally stopped my second mate from building enough houses to bankrupt him. This bot battled for all bot kind for a grand total of a 2 1/2 hour round and over 15k earned for the bot that eventually won. It started out a bit slow as any game normally does, some interesting trades took place along the way but then this AI bankrupt myself and my one mate to leave my second mate solo against the AI. This evening like any other we embarked upon a monopoly sesh mind you with one AI on hard. So here it is me and two of my best mates play monopoly 5/7 nights a week and have been for quite some time I would say we have easily logged 250 hours of play. Hello, I’d like to start my review by saying I have waited sometime to write this because I wanted to give an honest review as well as some other things.